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Benefits of Consuming Heat Extracted Virgin Coconut Oil


Virgin oils are healthy. The heat extracted virgin coconut oil is no exception. There are 2 types of virgin coconut oils available in the market. They are the cold-pressed virgin coconut oil and heat extracted virgin coconut oil. Here we will be talking about the benefits and medicated values of heat extracted virgin coconut oil. The heat extracted coconut oil has medicated properties that are very much beneficial for improving our metabolism. Read on to know the health benefits of consuming heat extracted virgin coconut oil every day.

Surprisingly, the use of coconut oil as a medicine in Ayurvedic medicine dates back to 4000 years ago. The medium-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found primarily in coconut oil have miraculous healing powers. It is no wonder, why traditional Ayurvedic treatments have proven results.

However, the preparation of heat extracted virgin coconut oil is a long and time-consuming process. This is one of the purest forms of coconut oils available.

Magical Health Benefits of consuming virgin coconut oil

  • The first and foremost health benefit is that it improves your body’s metabolism.
  • Another very important benefit of consuming virgin coconut oil is that it acts as an antibiotic and also boosts your immunity
  • For those with digestive problems, here is the solution. Consuming heat extracted virgin coconut oil help reduce digestive problems. It contains medium-chain triglycerides that enhance your immune system. It also helps reduce inflammation and infections.
  • Moreover, it helps reduce cholesterol levels. The lauric acid present in heat extracted virgin coconut oil helps increase good cholesterol levels in your body. 
  • If you are looking for a weight loss option, here is a wonderful solution. Drinking it regularly with a little bit of exercise helps in weight loss. Sounds interesting and a bit surprising for some. Right? The fact is that this magical oil helps to burn abdominal fat. As a result, it reduces appetite as it contains fatty acids making you eat less as it gives you a feeling of fullness.

How much virgin coconut oil should I consume per day

You can have 1 teaspoon of heat extracted virgin coconut oil. However, have it everyday morning on an empty stomach for best results.

Moreover, a good quality oil made without preservatives can be given to kids as well, in minimum quantity.
